Debra L. Kiel

Fine Artist

My Work

Nature’s Embrace Art Series allows trees to be seen in a different light.
My desire was to capture the ability to feel an emotion in each image,
making a difference in the lives of those it inspires,
through the beauty of loving relationships and nature.

My Art is about being mindful and comfortable with loving ourselves,
being in love, making love, loosing love and cherishing things we love
along with beautiful forms of trees.

It also reminds us that trees and love are truly the heartbeat of our existence
and together can bring a very natural rhythm of well being.

My Studio

For me, all forms of Art seem a mystery. Most times my pencil
seems to have a mind of its own. I have read,

“The position of the Artist is humble, it is essentially a channel
for the great creator.”

I am grateful, we are all given that channel, and grateful I love
doing the work needed for the image to come to life.

“Most early mornings, my Art room light is on…
I love watching the trees awaken and the sun move beautifully over their branches, then visiting that mysterious place where time stands still and the only thing that exists is my pencil or paintbrush”

Featured Prints

Delightful Desire

Limbs tangling in an embrace that speaks to the age-old romance of nature.

Alskar Always

Drawing from the Swedish word for “love”, “Alskar Always” is an evocative exploration of undying bonds.

Pleasurable Passion

This piece encapsulates the fervor and ecstasy of unbridled emotion.

Find the profound connections that bind the human spirit to the earth.

Explore the poignant intimacy of nature through the Nature’s Embrace Series.